Diver Stress & Rescue

One of the best ways to deal with an emergency it to avoid it.

This is a realistic look at diving problems and how to avoid them if we can or how to deal with them. In your Open Water Diver program you learned to deal with simple problems like cramp release and diver assist. Now we want to give you a chance to look at the more complex problem - lost diver - panic diver underwater and on the surface - realistic out of air situations underwater - working as a team to solve a complex rescue problem. This is a program for the diver who really wants to be the best diver they can be. Good divers know how to take care of themselves. Great divers know how to help others.


The Diver Stress & Rescue program is needed to receive the very prestigious “Master Diver” certification. This is the highest level of non-leadership certification. It is also needed if you are interested in a leadership role in diving. Leadership positions include: Dive Guide, Dive Master, Dive Control Specialist and Instructor. Remember Tiedemann’s Diving Center offers programs all the way up to Instructor. All done right here on Long Island. All divers taking the program must have complete the Search and Recovery program and have logged at least 12 dives.

Register by phone, mail or in person at Tiedemann's Diving Center. Class size is very limited, so plan accordingly. Any questions? - Just give us a call at Tiedemann's Diving Center, 516-796-6560.

Click here to download our Advanced Flyer 2020 with all the details.

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